Escape from Reality with Photography


closeup of cosmos flowers on colorful bokeh background
Cosmos Bokeh Symphony

Photography allows me to escape from reality. Nothing exists except for nature, the camera and me. I clear my mind and walk around until something catches my eye. Sometimes I find a gem. It helps a lot if rays of special light are available. Cosmos flowers during the rainy season so I take every opportunity to find a "cosmic" looking composition.

tendril spiral knot coated with water on bokeh background
Forest Jewel

I favor the world of the small. The chances of finding something unique is higher. It's also more challenging to become steady enough to focus. Early morning is best before the breeze begins.

Buddha Belly flower and leaf
Buddha Belly

There are some plants I come back to time and time again. The flowers in the above photo are from the buddha belly plant. The entire plant is very interesting to view. I have never been satisfied with a picture of the entire plant so I focus on the flowers. 

I recently started a Flickr account.  I really like the community of photographers there. It's nice to be able to see the photos large and at good resolution. Humans are so creative!